Fun, but ain't no way I'm doing that time challenge.

If there were like 10 maps or any sort of DLC for this game it'd be the best Mario Party.

Ehhhhhh? Somehow it was both boring and too intense too frequently to be enjoyable (the sections of just platforming enjoying the scenery early on were amazing). Definitely slightly overstayed it's welcome slightly, if you cut maybe 3-4 of the chapters from the middle and added more low gravity sections it would've been significantly better. Gorgeous graphics, finicky controls, and a generally frustrating platformer that doesn't quite live up to it's potential or it's visuals.

Gold Mario, Gold Kart, Gold Tires, and Gold Glider.

1300 hours on my switch. Probably almost 2000 overall.
Taking everything into account it's almost certainly the best platform fighter that has ever and will ever be made. Also, maybe the best single best franchise crossover of all time (including any type of media... if you disagree tell me what's better).