game refuses to run on either emulator or actual console, I don't know why, but after the second level it just stopped.

this isn't even too interesting anyways, it takes what made the original PS2 game fun and kinda removes all the charm, making it a bland and boring action game. At least the soundtrack is decent, i guess.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2023


1 year ago

the title and box art makes it look like some bootleg or like a porn parody or something. I didn't think the first ps2 Shinobi even did particularly well, or at least not well enough to warrant a sequel. Odd

1 year ago

compared to ps2 shinobi this definitely feels like a bootleg yeah
shinobi is a weird game that has flaws but you can get used to them and it's fun to play, but this one is just kinda.. zzzzzzz