Log Status






Time Played

4h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 15, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Didn't really grab me. I dunno, I might revisit it some day, but unlikely.

While all the core mechanics are fine, I didn't really enjoy anything it brings to the table compared to other RPGs. The combat feels like too much micro-management to me. Then again, you can streamline it, but that feels almost like the game playing itself.

I think the strongest appeal of such RPGs is usually the story and role-playing, which I found kinda lacking here. The game lets you create your own characters, which for me is by far the most fun I had with this game. The customization options are extremely diverse, ranging from race and class to moral alignment, even letting you write your characters' biographies. But what this means in practice is that the game isn't really written to accommodate the type of characters you create, their personality or their backstory. Meaning you're constantly faced with dialogue options that feel out of character for your character. All the dialogues are almost the same, regardless of who you play as. And you're also limited in what you can do story-wise. It's very linear.

That kinda only leaves you with combat and upgrades. And for that aspect I'd rather play something like Diablo, where the gameplay mechanics are designed around combat and thus feel more intuitive.