Ok finally beat the first Utawarerumono.

I want to gather my thoughts some more and rewatch some scenes but it was good. I see why people hype the worldbuilding up, crazy in depth and engaging. The cast was fantastic and I was never bored when any of them were on the screen. Music was great too and really set the atmosphere.

Some negatives though, my GOD is the game long. Like idk if I'm slow at reading visual novels or what but goddamn bro almost 90 hours, because of this I feel like some sections dragged or were unnecessary but it is what it is. The ending was ok, I felt the beginning half was stronger but it wasn't bad. The final fight did have me crying though, the music and voice acting hit my soul!
All in all a pretty nice experience and I'm curious where it goes from here, a lot of set up happened for the future installments.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2022


1 year ago

Congrats on beating uwaratemutoro! How many sequels are there?
There's 2 main sequels with a few other hack and slash spinoffs from what I've seen, another one just dropped a few weeks ago.

1 year ago

glad you enjoyed it and yeah the uta games are all fairly lengthy this one just does kind of a comparatively less good job of justifying its length due to lackluster villains making the conflicts feel kinda bleh on one front the next one is even slower but it justifies its length really well

1 year ago

90 hours ? You are really slow then, even of auto mode it does not take that long