Steam Next Fest June 2023

Nothing here!

well, I enjoy everything from Rusty Lake.
I'd jump into full release rn if it was out.
atmosphere + visuals + gameplay.
the narrative is a bit lacking, but I expect it to be addressed in the full version. can't wait (✧ω✧)
I love mystery&noir combination. can't wait to play the full release.

P.S. I managed to throw away every clue because cleaning seemed fun. no safe combination for me LOL
what a pleasant surprise. the whole experience is unhurried and calming. I managed to grow 2 flowers myself, and the process of finding clues wasn't excessively difficult.
the "diary" thing is present, but not overrun by text (unlike Flutter Away).
unexpectedly one of the best demos I got to play. it def left me craving for more.
not a fan of pixel art, but the atmosphere and (possible) story development outshine everything else.
pushing stuff from the ledges and other available surfaces never gets old :D
it reminded me a bit of "catlateral damage", but "little kitty, big city" is a full-fledged adventure with mechanics revolving around cats rather than cat on rampage simulator.

control over the cat felt clumsy at times. maybe it's just me, but I fell from the ledges numerous times quite ungracefully.
cringe dialogues and that weird face animation did it for me. I just can't get past trashy humor, it seems :D

I'm in for mindless fun, but not so sure about horror and gore.
I really like the color palette and art style in this game.
not so much the disjointed plot - they tell us that our captain is missing and we have to find her, and then we go to the cat island, chillin' and vibin' with the natives (feline and human), playing cards and seemingly not in any rush to save her. I just don't get it ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌
overall - it can turn out to be great it this plot gap is fixed and if they manage to expand on the exploration part. it'd be cool to traverse the sea and meet the remnants of civilization in its' different habitats besides the cat island.
I'm not a fan of pixel art and old-school RPGs, but this one got me for solid 90 minutes.
if only the controls on PC didn't make me so miserable (+_+)
it could've gripped me firmer, but somehow didn't.
- I hope the cards creation is not just a fashion feature but has real repercussions.
- all my decisions should lead to a tragedy of some sort, that would be fair. then it'd be a game I'd like to dive in.
nice casual game. level designs are cool, and the cats are cute. music is soothing. what's more to wish for?
straight to wishlist.
I feel like this game will be focused on the narrative and excel at storytelling. maybe it'll have some tragic stories to tell, since it takes place at the hospital.
I dunno. it could be a wholesome experience, or turn out to be a superficial flop. not much to gather from the demo.
"spot the difference" mechanic with slightly annoying way of dragging the picture to see the next part. I had to re-calibrate my poor eyes every time I moved the screen.
it could turn out to be a walking simulator with stunning visuals, if the optimization is fixed. and I got dizzy trying to move in any direction except forward, what's with these glitches?..

also not a fan of cartoons used as the flashback plot device.
looks great, but feels flat.
it promises "wholesome adventure". sure, it could be wholesome, but clicking through mundane dialogues could be exhausting.
I guess you've got to be in the mood for this kind of narrative & gameplay.
I was made to do all these chores like gathering and crafting that felt generic at best. then the night has fallen, and I finally went out to have an adventure of a lifetime, only to fall into some crack 5 minutes later and get stuck there for eternity. it figures.
5 points for realism.
really short demo.

deals with some heavy stuff. it could resonate with everyone, since everybody experiences loss at some point, but also could be turned into a cheap tear-jerker. hard to say from the 5 minutes I got to play.

almost got stuck when took a step into the next room, but the camera didn't follow me.
the game def has its charm: a cat protagonist in a cyberpunk setting trying to get the prosthetic body for his AI girlfriend.
sadly, the point-and-click aspect of the gameplay feels slow and unresponsive, and getting through dialogues is quite frustrating.
I gave up midway. no regrets.
I like the visuals. not so much the cooking (failed miserably (ᵔ.ᵔ))
10 minutes of demo gave the impression it'll be more about THE MESSAGE, rather than a heartfelt and cozy experience. hope I'm wrong, it'd be such a waste.
it promised comedy, but I felt none. all the "jokes" and "quips" fell flat as they are clearly targeted at someone with a different sense of humour. I don't find any amusement in lazy situational comedy, but that's just me.
the dialogues were so cringe-y and superficial I quit halfway, despite my vague interest in the "detective" guardsman mechanic.
it should've been relaxing, but turned out to be borderline boring. I started snoring the moment this in-game "journal" started filling itself in with notes and pics.
it deals with a sensitive issue (terminal illness), and feels more like a personal project that's not meant to be commercial.
its' narrative is simple (unskippable dialogue), visuals are so-so, gameplay consists of walking and touching mementos. I got stuck once trying to climb the mountain.
"show, don't tell" would've worked better than straight up retelling of someone's life journey.
sound design decisions are horrific. the voiceover was too quiet and unrecognizable for me. I upped the volume too late, all the plot details and possible hints just flew by me. no subtitles whatsoever. annoying to say the least.
the gameplay didn't impress me, and I'm still wondering if I missed any hints trying to find some food for hungry birdies.
it's a visual novel with dogs.
I prefer more gripping plots rather than "hacker dogs vs government".
I also skimmed the demo to see the actual mechanics behind "hacking", but there was none.
- no skip/move forward option. I've already read the text and 'd like to skip the annoying voiceover, but I can't.
- it's a big NO for me when restarting the app is a part of gameplay mechanic. it works fine in some situations, but here it feels like a cheap trick. so I took the opportunity and uninstalled the app when it shut itself down 2nd time.
I'm not generally into fighters, but wanted to try this one and get the best of comedy and visuals.
the comedy is there, but it didn't click with me. paired with the repetitive gameplay it felt like a chore to get through the demo.
and I wish I could sing praises to the visuals, but my potato started overheating the second I booted the demo, so I had to tune down the graphics settings. bummer.
apparently, it's based on some board game I've never heard of. it would be OK (I don't mind jumping into unknown), but I felt like the tutorial part could've been done better.

yeah, sure, it says "get 3 buttons", but I have no clue how to get them. I have to go to the separate sub-menu called Tutorial and read through bunch of rules to gain understanding what buttons are and how to get them. why not implement it straight into the gameplay?

+ not the biggest fan of visuals


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