Steam Next Fest October 2023

Nothing here!

it should've been a story-driven game with some puzzle elements. the latter proved to be ill-thought-out so say at least. I've got to experience 3 puzzles: one was too dark, second required to have the sight of an eagle, and the last one made me quit the demo because I simply couldn't solve it.
no skip option, so I couldn't progress further. I wouldn't count it as a loss since the story til this point consisted of some shallow musings on first world problems.

steam deck run: not OK. hidden objects are too small and require dragging across the screen.

upd.: I found a hint to solve my unsolvable puzzle on official discord, so I can go to sleep now knowing I'd have never solved it anyway.
coolest demo I got to play this week. can't wait for the full release.

steam deck run: perfect
it's cute/10

steam deck run: had some issues when keyboard was needed, otherwise OK
enjoyed the ambience and narrative. the game has no voiceover, but by the end of the prologue I read all the dialogues as if it had one.

steam deck run: OK. had to bind the TAB to open the map.
I was excited to try this one, but it turned out to be pretty meh for my tastes. colors and art style are nice, but the gameplay mechanics gets tedious very fast.

steam deck run: okay, but I wish I used a mouse instead.
I enjoyed the demo until I realized that I'm not that interested in solving puzzles and unveiling the mysteries it has to offer. some gameplay mechanics were incoherent and confusing, so I just gave up.
methinks I'd give it a go once I'm in the right mood.

steam deck run: perfect
very neat. the combination of bright colors, nice background music and nostalgia always works.

steam deck run: perfect.
it's clearly aiming for the heart, and is pretty good at it. I thought some dialogues could be shorter, but the title says "tavern TALK", so who am I to judge.

steam deck run: OK. only issue is the font size
the core idea sure is cool and worth exploring, but I wish the game had a skip option for already seen text. I guess I'll keep an eye on this game, but it certainly requires specific mood to get through the loop(s)

steam deck run: perfect
it's a silly dating FMV game with weird transitions after some choices, so I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it when it comes out.

steam deck run: not great, I had some weird steam cloud error and couldn't move past certain scene. finished the demo on PC, no problems whatsoever.
it's a blend of a visual novel and point&click adventure with annoying mid-sentence human noises. only 2 characters were introduced, and any characterization was quickly ruined by unnecessary noises and rapidly changing reactions (they can brood now, and in the next line of dialogue they're laughing...)
honestly, the demo was so boring I couldn't wait for it to end.

steam deck run: OK.
am I really that dense/10
I'm no genius, but it's actually the first escape room game that got me stuck in the DEMO.
as of now I'm not gonna invest any more time into it. not sure I'd like to return later since the story is non-existent and the puzzle design is pretty bland.

steam deck run: OK with mouse+wasd layout
sad to say this, but this demo in unplayable. starting with the opening screen - if you press anything but ENTER, the cursor is lost and you're forever stuck looking at the untouchable NEW GAME and EXIT buttons.
gameplay consists of a very slow running and some jumping puzzles performed by a cat. and while I can appreciate the unpolished state of the game and polygons in the shape of a cat, I decided to quit the moment I got stuck in some textures. cat's expression of sheer horror is fitting
bonus: when I clicked ESC, I was presented with the option to exit, but the damn button was inactive. had to brute force it to quit.

steam deck run: not playable
enjoyed it less than expected. I had some fun, sure, but I'm not going to update my PC just to play a painting game with horrible optimization.

steam deck run: not optimal, a lot of binding is required.
soothing and beautiful. my anxiety is cured. would def play again.

steam deck run: perfect.
surprisingly addictive puzzle game. gameplay involves drawing some symbols and inspecting paintings. and a lot of walking. not sure what the plot is, but the dialogues clearly lead somewhere.

steam deck run: does not work for me, since I can't draw shit on deck. drawing simple lightning proved to be my downfall (⌣_⌣”)
enjoyed the gameplay in the form of interactive diary. design looks a bit cluttered to me, but it's just a nitpick from someone who've never watched cute bullet journal tutorials on youtube.
the story actually got pretty dark at some point, and I'm not sure if I like this development.

steam deck run: pretty OK, but the game crashed near the end. had to start from scratch on PC. not sure if it's exclusively deck problem or not.
3rd in the series/10
I jumped into it bc I thought the art looked great, aaand... it turned out to be the 3rd installment in the series. I was given the option to go through some sort of recap, but that didn't help much.

steam deck run: not great, I got freezes couple of times that ended my sessions. not sure if this problem is deck exclusive.
after downloading the demo I realized I've already played it 2 years ago. to be honest, I have no recollection of my past experience, but this time around I was disappointed with the exposition dump via text and very unclear mechanics. partly I blame myself for trying to play it on deck although it's clearly not optimized for it.

steam deck run: not great.


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