I hate the story of this game ... it's a fucking downgrade compared to 9 but at least the fight is cool and I loved the brutalitys back

If The Sims 3 didn't exist this would be the best game for The Sims .... Damn this game is perfect

One of the most perfect games I've played in my entire life

Despite being very limited and a little rough compared to the rest of the ultimate ninja he is quite fun and nostalgic.

Even though 3 has improved a lot in the trilogy I still love this one more and consider it my favorite in the ultimate ninja trilogy.

It's cool to play in raccoon city and meet enemies and classic characters again but there's nothing special about it but a little fun. At least his online is insanely spectacular

Even though I may still have no idea how to play this, I loved spending hours creating characters and would definitely spend that time again if I still had this game with me today

I wanted to know why he is so underrated ... It's one of the best legos

It's a really amazing game with fun combat, beautiful cutscenes, charismatic characters and an excellent story. I saturated a little bit of the game at the end of it because it's a really giant game and I was really tired of his repetitive system of walking a little and then fighting with a bunch of enemies.

I don't think the story is a big deal but the characters are charismatic and the missions are fucking fun, the map is insane and realistic and beautiful even today and online is a strong point too.

Ugly, crude, buggy, strange and bizarre and the worst of the games listed but I think it was the maximum they were able to do at the time and until he is a little fun and funny when it comes to combat.

So I played 10 minutes of that shit before freaking out with the shit controls and never playing again.