Good story with strong characters and plenty of puzzles.

Finally managed to play this classic and enjoyed it much more than I expected. Although it hasn't aged as well as RE2 and RE3, with their clunky tank controls, cheesy and comic scenes with real actors, and dialogues worthy of a comedy movie. I think all these factors contribute to make Resident Evil 1 a very special game, different from the others... Not to mention the various difficult and creative puzzles and the great atmosphere of the mansion. With a well-crafted and restrained soundtrack, constantly giving a sense of loneliness and abandonment, and never knowing what to expect behind the next door.

It completely surprised me; I judged the graphics and those hero designs quite a bit at first, thinking they were the ugliest I've seen in a superhero game. However, it turns out it's a good, incredibly fun, and creative turn-based tactical RPG with a very good story... I also loved socializing and being able to make friends with each of the heroes; I had a lot of fun with the dialogues.

Very bland and boring compared to all the others... an uninteresting protagonist, an uninteresting power, a story that drags on in RPG nonsense instead of progressing normally, uninteresting characters... I don't know what good I can take from this game besides the graphical evolution which, damn... I was shocked at how beautiful this game is. But anyway... that's it, it was torture playing this because I didn't like anything from the start and it shocks me that some people prefer this crap bomb over LIS2.

Generally chaotic and fun, play with several friends or otherwise, it’s quite boring offline.

The great differentiator of this game is that you have the challenging task of controlling both brothers at the same time (one for each side of the controller). You might take a while to get used to this, or maybe never get used to it like me, but the fun and innovation it provides, along with the beautiful and fantastical visuals throughout the adventure, make it well worth it.


Well, it’s not a very bad game, but it definitely has nothing to do with Silent Hill, and I won't remember playing this two days from now... But I recommend it since it's short and free, has good chase sequences and I almost crapped my pants during the last one.