3 reviews liked by mrmild

Still not done with this one, but with the type of game this is, I don’t know when I will be, so I might as well write my thoughts now before a patch comes and forces me to rethink everything.

As of now (version 2.1) it is an incredibly fun but deeply flawed kart racer, one of the best of its genre yet incredibly polarizing and difficult to recommend.

It does indeed bring more skill to the standard Mario Kart-type gameplay, however it seems these applications of mechanical depth are often misplaced, as you’re given ample tutorials and tools for obscure things like aerial falling speed, braking in regard to stage hazards, etc., yet nothing to combat rampant CPU rubber-banding, and in the case of your rival, direct cheating. In this sense, the infamous tutorial is less a problem of “information overload” and moreso a problem of focusing on the wrong information entirely.

The core ring system really is fun and strategic, and adds a lot, but it’s hindered significantly by the team’s apparent hesitance to let it stand by itself, with its crutches coming in the form of extremely heavy slope nerfs and a frustrating “last ditch maneuver” that always ends up screwing the player over accidentally by getting them into debt or ignoring items when they didn’t intend to use the thing at all. Plus, the decision to have items override your ring button is just… awful, and discourages the usage of items in the first place.

Collectibles and unlocks can be quite fun, but clearly suffered scope-creep over the course of development, with many spray cans being either ridiculously difficult or mind-numbingly easy to collect, and many challenges being insultingly vague, with the Chao key system certainly helping to mitigate things, but far from remedying them entirely, especially with the rude decision to make one or two big challenges non-optional by using a blank tile around their perimeter.

Character selection is… good, I think? I’ve never seen a game with this many characters that takes so long to unlock them. It really should’ve been tied to cup completion, or something.

Honestly, the only thing I can praise without a caveat is the track design, the choices of Sonic locales and general theming are hit after hit with no shortage of memorability. (Besides Balloon Park, fuck Balloon Park, what the hell was Balloon Park doing.)

I think with patches and mods, this game will get much, much better, and I really do look forward to it. So please, do give it a shot, but if you choose to wait a few months, even years… I can’t say I blame you.

Feels like all the track designers simultaneously lost bets to each other

What I can never fault Ring Racers for is its ambition. Its environments are lovely, well realized, and expand on familiar Sonic zones and trappings in a way that accentuates every single track. It's a mechanically rich game with a bunch of different systems to compensate for every idea it has. It loads you with objectives and a glut of content that is mind boggling to begin to tackle. In all senses, it is a love letter to the legacy of Sonic and the fan game community that has sprung up around him, and takes every opportunity to remind you of its fan game status that it absolutely relishes. As a celebration and collection, Ring Racers is absolutely sublime.

Getting there tends to be the trickier issue. Much has been said about the game's intro, and while I find the dialogue and overall presentation of the tutorial very charming, I do find it a very misguided intro to the game. The mechanics taught in the tutorial are often used very sparingly across the actual races, and even those used often like drifting are used in different, shorter-form contexts than the tutorial would imply. It practically posits Ring Racers as an entirely different game and experience compared to what it actually is, and it goes on doing that for quite a while!

The actual races themselves vary in quality drastically depending on the track layout. Ring Racers can be absolutely vicious with its track designs, with hazards feeling devastating as they can easily combo into other hazards or items that toss you around like a pinball. This can be DEVASTATING on slopes, which require Sonic's vaunted momentum to get up and are aided by the ring system, letting you increase your speed a little bit per ring used. This should present some level of risk/reward; do you use your rings on straightaways to burst ahead, or save them for slopes as a means of recovery to maintain position? Unfortunately, rings are plentiful to a fault, and computer opponents (ESPECIALLY your rival character) are want to use them whenever possible to ludicrous speed increases, so rings become less strategic unless you're specifically saving them for chaos emerald bonuses in Grand Prix standings and more "I hope this part of the track also has rings". And when it doesn't... well you have the spin dash to get you out of the worst of things, but it feels pretty rough.

Drifting is also highly committal compared to rings, meaning that all alternate forms of speed are just kinda secondary to the immediate allure of the rings, which do not have enough risk to them to make the immediate reward not always a pull. This is compounded by items, which use the same button as using rings and, thus, often get in the way of progress more often than they help, especially considering how avoidable most offensive items tend to be as they struggle to interact with the steep sloped terrain of Ring Racers! I feel that individual race courses struggle to decide if they want to play nice with Ring Racers' systems or want to struggle against them, and very few of them are properly in line with the expectations set by the tutorial. It makes for a very uneven experience where a single bad spill on the last lap is both really debilitating and could not be entirely your fault, with means of consistent recovery not entirely present as opponents can keep padding their lead with rings and the comeback items are either unweildy to use, especially in a bad headspace, or inaccurate.

There are moments where Ring Racers does put everything together. Zones like Emerald Coast, Withering Chateau, Opulence, Regal Ruin, and Joypolis show DRRR at its best, with a consistent sense of flow, opportunities to best use shortcuts, and a great feel for combining the drift and ring mechanics. But for every one of them, there's a Marble Garden just asking for the player to try and break it in two before it breaks them. It lacks the kindness of kart racers like Mario, fails to commit to its individual mechanics like F-Zero, and does not string its systems together in nearly as seamless away as Crash, Diddy Kong, or even other Sonic racing titles manage. Ring Racers is its own, unforgiving beast that I can't say I had a bad time with, but it feels a bit overtuned for all it wants to strive for; a love letter that needed an editor, but how do you say "turn down the passion?" I like and respect it, I'll come back to keep pecking away at its wide breadth of content. But man I STILL haven't unlocked Whisper and don't even have a clue on how to get her, and I sincerely hope she's in the character class I like otherwise I'm gonna be real sad.