Much like the other games in the series, Persona 3 is game consisting of addictive combat, a fire soundtrack, and a loveable cast of characters. What sets this apart from the other games is the story and the writing. It features some of the best character development I've seen in not just video games, but fiction as a whole. Seeing them all go through their individual struggles and become stronger as a result is what helps make the story as good as it is. Even after suffering time and time again, the characters continue to strive for their goal, and do so even when it seems impossible. The whole game has this idea that no matter what happens, no matter how hard life gets: live. Live because it isn't over, because their are people out there who want to do anything they can to help you, because life wasn't meant to be thrown away. Persona 3's ending is honestly the hardest I've cried at any piece of media, and that wasn't even the first time I shed a tear to this game. It truly is a beautiful game. Also you get to watch TV with a dog, 10/10.

To me, Xenoblade Chronicles is everything a game should strive to be. It has a massive open world that somehow doesn’t feel empty. The combat doesn’t really interrupt the exploration, unlike many other JRPGs. The story and characters are some of the best I’ve seen in not just video games, but fiction as a whole as well. The soundtrack is phenomenal, and all the aspects of the game compliment each other to make it the perfect package. Xenoblade certainly isn’t for everybody, but if you’re looking for a good JRPG that you can put tons of hours into, you can’t go wrong with this one.