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Time Played

5h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 26, 2024

Platforms Played


Another one from Frictional Games where you sneak around in darkness while something otherwordly is lurking in the shadows. It even has little bit of that Lovecraftian vibe still going on. This time you do have little bit of an arsenal which help you fight this monster and giving you some extra seconds to survive when shit hits the fan.

Even though this is not groundbreaking stuff from Frictional they still somehow managed to create another one of the greats in the horror genre. The biggest strength of the game is that the monster never becomes frustrating. Instead it's your fault when something goes terribly wrong and this keeps it always intense and stressful. Reminds me very much of Alien Isolation on that front.

Even though I'm not big fan of reading notes this is one the rare ones where the writing is good enough that I didn't mind it. Also the setting and its use was great from the starting set-piece to the brutal ending and how it doesn't save any punches with the bleak view of WWI.