3 reviews liked by musicalnotes3

It's a pretty good sequel to Silver Thread. Unlike its predecessor, the ending you get is determined by a hidden points sytem. Instead of choosing between what's actually just 2 options, you must make sure your actions and choices are on the right track so the mystery is actually solved. Showing the wrong piece of evidence or using the wrong logic will lose you points, and cost you the real ending.

There's more characters and both Alicia and Beaford return. The game's still really short, but there's a bigger opportunity to flesh out the characters and set up things for the next chapter. If you liked Silver Thread's vibe but just wished there was that little bit more to its gameplay and story, this is exactly it, and it even sets up more to come.

It’s just not the same. It lacks the atmosphere from the OG. They make a lot of good QoL changes that are nice but i personally think the OG is better.

And don’t even get me started on the new soundtrack. The completely new songs are really good, but the remixes, what the fuck man. Mass Destruction remix is next to the Shadow World remix and Burning Man’s Soul as one of the worst Persona songs.

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