Infinite tries to be both a bioshock and a brand new IP at the same time, thus causing its current reputation of a weird game.

Gameplay is very lacking compared to the older titles, you carry only 2 guns (from 10), shoot enemies, recieve tons of loot from elisabeth and move on. The plasmids and the shopping system also feels way worse.

Where it shines though is in its world and story. Columbia is one of the best designed cities I've seen, even surpassing Rupture. Story is also captivating and has great twists, but they are all toned down. You dont get to explore the city as its a heavily linear game and story is weird at certain points due to developers wanting to connect the story to the older games.

Overall, game tries to seperate itself from the franchise while still trying to connect back in the end.

Reviewed on Feb 17, 2024
