Log Status






Time Played

2h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 17, 2024

First played

April 11, 2024

Platforms Played


Random Encounter is a decent RPG with a bit of turn-based elements, starts off pretty quick and it end fairly short.
But in the end it becomes a roguelike for no reason, and it was not meant to be that.

So, as mentioned in the game that the events of first encountered didn't go so well so our hero is being sent to the future to kill mental. In the story you will find some kind of allies with the same wish as sam, fork parker sents sam there where he encounters them. Gregory and a damn cowboy that I forgot his name, the trio is after mental and they elso encounter ugh-zan III while mental tricked them to visit his temple and they didn't find him. So after the fight of ugh-zan the game ends.

If you fuck up the final boss, you fuck up your save.
you might start from 0, at the beginning or a random save so BEWARE this game is already a bit frustrating in 2 hours and might become a roguelike.

If you got the temper, got the time go play it that's all im gonna say, some guys will find this game to be easily abandoned.