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February 25, 2024

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February 23, 2024

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Wolf 3D for the time is a 5/5, a classic that I rarely touched when I was younger, from id Software I got to play mostly doom 1 and 2 and quake, even played eternal and 2016 but never touched the wolfenstein series. The original game was a home computer with stealth based mechanics, a pretty simple game at the time called Castle Wolfenstein.

The game serves with 6 episodes that are 10 levels each, the main storyline is involved about the first 3 eps, and the rest are some kind of prequels. Wolfenstein is the father of doom, a first person game about shooting nazi soldiers, in this game you have the knife,the pistol,smg, and the beloved chain gun.
Wondering in the first levels you can collect jewellery for your personal score getting points, after each level you get an extra live and if you waste all of them you begin at the first level of the episode. Id Software had other games with the raycasting engine, but this one was their big hit if we are not gonna include catacombs 3d which was the first game that had this modern raycasting engine in it. Just like doom this game has a lot of modding, name brutal mods or even ultra hd graphics pack even some ongoing projects at the current time of writing this review though the dos version of this game is pretty clunky and it does not feel that good so if you encounter problems with the game please try installing gzdoom and ecwolf.

The story is about William "B.J." Blazkowicz, a captured american by the nazis in the dungeons, BJ's plan is to escape and collect intel about their plans while escaping. Eventually he got out by taking a knife and killing a guard and that's how E1M1 starts, shortly you get a pistol and a submachine gun and at the end you fight with Hans, a huge man with dual wield chain guns that drops a key to the underground of their base. The second episode we got the manufactured nazi soldiers, that's doctor doctor schabbs hand to create a mutant zombie army for the 4th reich, so by going underground and fighting with those machines you finally get to stop schabbs and end his plan. In the 3rd episode you get to end the fuhrer himself in his fuhrerbunker in berlin, you take the fight and prepare your chain gun because now it's the time to end it all, as the game is set on 1945 you already know this is the end, after fighting with some soldiers and some kind of vampires you take the golden key and you fight with adolf, he has a robotic armor but that does not stop you from watching his deathcam and a last avidazen and your goal is completed. Escape from castle wolfenstein, operation eisenfaust and die fuhrer are the main trilogy of the episodes, you still have some prequels and spear of destinity but that's all. Might play the rest of the extra content and will call it a day.

Welp after finally finishing I AM DEATH INCARNATE on my second playthrough I canl give y'all some tips to survive this difficulty, strafing around the edges of doors can sometimes work, but if you only see the soldiers arm they won't take damage, and again KEEP the DISTANCE, you can knock everyone if you take a bit of distance. If you are closer to the enemies your health will go from 100 to most likely 45 in seconds, and also reflexes when you find yourself in a tight corner (that's mostly ep2) and won't blame anyone for using quicksaves because if you are not careful you can run out of lives quickly. One more thing tho, always watch your back. AN I MEAN THAT, there can be always an officer or guard there. There will be rooms filled with SS, so make sure you kill them first because they take longer to kill and head back to make some distance. Don't waste your ammo on dogs, always use the knife while you stand in one place because they will come after you. The officers can be a bit tricky in the third episode, there's plenty of them and you will hear SPION! a lot of times, they can spook you but my far the worst enemies are the mutants, miniguns in their guts and PLENTY of them in the second episode, don't worry too much about ammo and health. I didn't used frequently secrets because I found supplies randomly after I cleaned a room, again the bosses are not rigged imo, hans is easy to beat because in the left corner if I believe you can find a secret that gives you supplies and that's for doctor schabbs as well but without secrets, by killing the mutants before you encounter him you will have ammo standing there if you need, and behind him there's health so pick that up. And to be honest, hitler was the most easiest one of all of them, it has 2 phases right but you get the chain gun when you first enter the level and that's again pretty op, the only annoying part must be the vampires...Ugh those fireballs suck man, while fighting hitler you have supplies in his room and if you use auto run you will find that spot quickly believe me, and that's all. Replayed the game 1-3, I will not replay 4-6 because the nocturnal prequels suck in my opinion with their soft locks. Have fun