Still waiting for a proper patch, played it a bit. (2020-2021)

The time has ended, 4 years of patience to visit the immersive night city and it is what I expected from a immersive sim with modern gameplay.

Cyberpunk 2077 is a beast of a game, 4 years after the initial release that for me changed the open-world first person genre, a representation of what Mike Pondsmith wanted and so CD Project delivered a large game with content that kills other AAA studios creations IMO. I vaguely remember in 2013 watching the teaser now knowing what was this about since I was pretty young at the time and though it was an upcoming sci-fi movie but oh man years after exactly 5 years ago in 2019 when I saw the showcase to be honest I WAS BLOWN AWAY, not to mention that it spoiled major events in the main quest but no one knew at the time what was to come. When the E3 happened my breath was taken by Keanu Reevs knowing that it will play a major rule in game and his popularity from the matrix movies made it transform into a world sensation that immediately made it an iconic presence to the worldwide and the internet itself. Might cockride a lot this review but atleast I admit it that I loved this game.

We can see what inspirations CD had with this one, imagine the slow gameplay of system shock 2 and deus ex turned into a fast first person shooter with a huge city to explore. The design fits the game from the hud all the way to the variety of weapons with special values and rarity just like in Witcher 3 a previous title made by the same devs. A full lively open-world with npcs that makes you feel that you are there and fits the theme of future perfectly. So many unique building ideas from modern strip clubs to a tinder shop that scans your ideal partner from one plugged jack, maybe the release of the game was unfortunate but the ideas and the implementations really felt like it took them years to came up with. A great tree of skills from combat to stealth, talking about stealth it is optional and honestly I am familiar with stealth games but this one felt amazing going all in for some reason while being surrounded by enemies to hide from. Also it has a lot of bonus content from the anime edgerunners and even from the vigilante car that you get. I found the enemies system to be great, while in combat they can hack your weapons and some classes like techie,netrunner and android are very lethal in close combat so always take a step down to cover from. One thing that I absolutely love is that how you can switch and add new cybernetics to your body and I found that from one side gig trying to collect an award. The bosses are fairly easy, the hardest one being ODA but others like Adam Smasher or Sasquatch are easy to kill if you have a decent movement and leveled up reflexes. I feel like missing out a ton of gameplay content barely yesterday I finished the game so had to make this review quickly with a refreshed mind on the subject.

Story (I will not spoil major events, I do that quite a lot of times while reviewing games but this one just like RDR2 I will get into the basic side of things)
Johnny Silverhand was vocalist in his own band in the beginning from the year 2023, him and his band members were rockin hard but one attachment to a lover girl called Alt changed his main lead to become a so called terrorist.
Militech, a private government that helped nations was worried about the soulkiller program made by one of Johnny's friends at the name called Alt, she made the program with the intention to nuking a corpo tower owned by the Arasaka. They hired a group called the Blackhand and some elites to plant the nuke. Alt became johnny's girlfriend but she was stolen and took her to the arasaka tower because she was dragged into this operation, johnny contacted rogue and together formed a group of people to distract the arasaka to rescue Alt back, but she was already dead when they came. As a payback johnny joined this operation to nuke the arasaka tower so he took his gang in a helicopter to raid and destory. He had his reasons to hate it because in general he does not like mega corpos. He successfully did it and now the history books will now about the night city holocaust, but after one operation came down to a downfall where he met Smasher that killed johnny in action while trying to escape, 50 years later our protagonist V is being sent by Dex with his friend Jackie looking forward to this mission. V was a street kid raised in the not so friendly part of night city and he has connections like his friends jackie and viktor, his ripperdoc. The heist mission is to steal the suitcase and leave with a chip called the rellic was hold by Yorinobu Arasaka and they had to steal it but they witnessed something terrible, Yorinobu killed his father Saburo. A protocol was called that closed the building and V had to escape with Jackie but by failing to do so V has inserted the rellic chip into his brain and so running away was not that easy because Jackie was killed in action, later on after his death he talked with Dex about what happened in the heist and he betrayed V to the arasaka corpo shooting him and taking him to the dumpster. While somehow managing to be alive Dex was killed and someone close to the arasaka came to save V, that was Takemura who got V to his ripperdoc Viktor. Giving the bad news that he rellic infected her system and finding out that Johnny Silverhand was kept there subjected by the soulkiller program who kept his mind after his body was crushed and so the engram was kept there scanned. Leaving V and Silverhand in one body, by then V was left to investigate where Evelyn is with the help of Judy, finding out that was she was taken and tested by some psychopaths. After that he mets with Takemura and reveals why he saved V, because he was a witness of what happened with Saburo's death and he wants help from V to reveal that to Hanako.
Yorinobu's sister, and our protagonist needs to solve 2 things, getting rid of the chip and save his life and investigating the arasaka incident because that's the only way to find how to get rid of the rellic. Getting the information about someone called Hellman that works with arasaka can help V but first he needs to speak to johnny to reclaim some memories so he takes a ride to the pacifica, a religious place where V can be helped by their people but first Placide gives biz to V to clear the mall if he wants any help regarding the chip and memories so he helped him and V was taken underground where she could saw Johnny's memories that reveals a huge plot point. Alt traversed the cybernetic world known as Mikoshi, and yet she was alive all this time in the digital world. Going back to Night City now Johnny informs V about Rogue and how she can help tracking down hellman with a connection of Panam, a mechanic highly skilled in combat coming from the countryside in a clan, they need to track down hellman's AV but first Panam has some quests from V to takedown some rivals like Nash to help her, after one electric short circuit both of them tracked down hellman and destroyed the AV but Panam's clan was flagged bad where Scorpion and Mitch was captured but the unfortunate happened and Scorpion alongside some soldiers died and the bad news is that hellman can't help V at all, the rellic is a prototype chip and he never stumbled in this type of situation so that made V go back to night city to find another fix so Takemura has a plan to distract the arasaka in order to capture Hanako to tell her the truth, the japan parade was their chance, with the help of Wakako and tracking down the snipers it was the perfect plan so they were ready to inject some malware and take out some snipers and so after that V meets up with ODA, a member of the Arasaka and right after the fight Takemura gets Hanako and leaves the parade with V, placing her in a apartament where she was told the truth about Saburo's death but moments after the whole apartament was raided by Arasaka's soldiers and there was no sign of Takemura and V had to leave to the countryside so she can escape them, after arriving a proxy was sent at the door with Hanako accepting V and asking for help regarding Yorinobu so that she will help him get rid of the rellic, johnny was frustrated at first knowing that V might sell his soul to the mega corpos but he had nothing to do and so a last wish was to kill Adam Smasher. V came back to night city to visit Hanako and accepting the offer and informing him that everyone knew that Yorinobu was the killer of Saburo, he went insane making a nations meet up where Hanako needs V to show them the real reason behind Saburo's death. After the discussion the rellic started to get worse and V gave up but Johnny helped him to his ripperdoc with the sad news that he does not have much long to live, a one last goodbye to his friends watching the night city at Jackie's favorite view, so an arasaka car arrvied to take V to Hanako with the driver being Hellman taking him to Hanako's residence full of Yorinobu's elites, taking the AV with Hellman and Hanako heading to the meeting to inform the factions about Yorinobu's insane behavior. One huge plot twist is that Saburo had the same fate as Alt, he traversed into the digital world in Mikoshi, the leaders didn't listen to V but when the digital face of Saburo everyone paid good attention but moments after the reveal Yorinobu ordered his army to put the building in lockdown and so V had to reach him but not kill him as Hanako said, hitting the elevator up and finally meeting up with Adam Smasher, Johnny's biggest rival in the whole game killed by V and taking revenge for Silverhand. Reaching Yorinobu in his final mental statement almost ready to kill himself because he failed, after that and saving Yorinobu from one step to hell V got the treatment about the rellic, one final goodbye from Johnny Silverhand being disappointed that V had to help Arasaka but atlast he wakes up from the come, the surgery was a success but V suffered from nightmares like Jackie's death and other stuff and lost some memories, and at the end Hellman gives V a contract about Mikoshi to ascend to the virtual world because her problem had a huge warning about her physical form so as the normal ending is she signs the contract and the game ends.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
