This goes to my younger self who asked for this game to his mother by calling it: the game where you fish with animals and run around in a town with animals. Because I didn't remember the game's name. This game was absolute perfection considered that — unlike the newest AC versions — you basically do very little. Very little but still fun! I wish I could go back in time to experience this game anew, but now I'm left with fond memories of summer days spent playing this game.

I cannot expect any better from the LiS franchise and this one didn't let me down! It has the beautiful and heart-rending flow of any other LiS game that makes you connect with the characters and the protagonist. The events that follow in these five chapters keep you at the edge of the seat every time you have to make a decision (I'm bad with making decisions) and the consequences are always 🤯 !!
Beautiful story, beautiful places (I literally want to live in Haven, tyvm), amazing soundtrack!

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This game is absolute perfection — from the characters' facial expressions, to their story. There isn't a moment in which you're not left speechless. You immediately become attached to the characters, especially the protagonist (except Micah, no mercy for that bastard) and the landscapes are fantastic. The game is heavy on memory but for such a masterpiece it is forgivable.

If it hadn't been for my father who bought this masterpiece when I was only two years old, I would never have known this beautiful franchise that was an integral part of my childhood. Silent Hill was one of those experiences that you want to erase from your memory and then relive it again, as if it were the first time. I can only recommend it to everyone because it is a game that deserves a lot and that I believe everyone should play it at least once in their life.

I started this game upon release and put it away because the slow start didn't inspire me enough to continue it. But then I decided to pick it up again and spend some time with it and today it has become one of my favorite games. The story is something exceptional, the actors are epic, and everything mixes into a beautiful experience that must be played in order to be understood. The ending, then, remains in your heart so much that you think about it every time you read the title of the game. The music is breathtaking...I mean, I could write a book about this game because of how good it is! Now I can't help but wait for the sequel which, from the trailer, promises to be another masterpiece.