This is a masterpiece

Now, if we're going to start talking about what this game does well, the first thing I want to talk about is freedom. It gives you a lot of things to do and a lot of different ways to do them, whether it's in the world, the gameplay, or the events. I like to explore different things in games or try something using my imagination. This game allows for that and does it well and manages to provide an atmosphere that I like.

As for the gameplay, you can use many of the features the game gives you in different areas and during combat. There are many different types of weapons, bows and shields, and when you combine them with creativity and physics, you get a beautiful battle system.

There are a lot of puzzles to do in the game, but they're not as detailed and challenging as the puzzles in the old Zelda games. Yes, Zelda dungeons have never been overly difficult, but there's definitely an extra ease to them in this game.

In short, this is a game that does a lot of things well, is thematically pleasing, and if you're into Zelda lore, it's an easy game to get into. If I made a must-play list, it would be on it.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023
