3 reviews liked by nasim

While it sounds crazy enough to write a review about a game thats not even OUT LMAO. I why I can 100% confirm that this game will be my favourite game ever when it releases.

Dies Irae Pantheon is from a series I'm genuinely not that familiar with. beside playing Dies Irae: Amantes Amentes on the PC almost two years ago. Having played all of Interview with Kaziklu Bey on the PC and having watched like 7 episodes of the Marie Route anime and then dropping it out of boredom. You would genuinely be insane from a series where your intertest was never fully captured nor grasped to have the latest entry be your FAVOURITE GAME EVER?! Well here I will try to concretely enough explain my "My insanity" or for some of you guys "Stupidity" I'm assuming.

I found out about Dies Irae Pantheon pretty late actually the game while I was reading Amantes Amentes. I accidentally stumbled upon the game in march pure on whim. I was watching videos about Kajiri Kamui Kagura and I saw the games Trailer in my recommendations. I didn't even wanna click on the trailer nor did I want it to play YouTube Autoplayed it for me when I went to the toilet lol... but when I came back I was like "fuck it why not" and pressed replay and my mind was blown away... to most it's a standard trailer nothing outstanding or experimental enough for someone to lose their shit over it but man... I WAS IN. From the SFX of Ren her heel the silent build up and the narrator to the strong chuuni athmosphere but with a striking distinct visual style. It reminded so much of every favourite Fantasy series I love and it happens so rarely that I ever have such a strong sense of nostolgia from past of something in the present that I have no strong knowledge. But from the previously mentioned things and flashy gameplay and strong and striking character designs. I just knew it was the one. The Fantasy genre is a VERY important genre to me because it helped me allot as a person throughout my life and I honestly watched allot of fantasy media but super rarely has this same feeling been matched before. I literally searched up every information about the game since and don't think I've ever been as hype for something as this game. The latest Info dump just made me even more confident in my feelings. I rewatched the switch preview and listened to Fanatiker over 100x. Did as much research as I can on the people working on it. Theorize heavy about future characters , themes and potential story beats. I genuinely have 100% trust in this game and don't think I can get dissapointed really.

So it really a case of pure feelings of nostolgia , charm and trust that makes me so sure. I know this seems goofy asf to write this but I know myself the best so I know best what my true feelings on the game will be.

( P.S I've done this before and know how my expectations work so I really cannot be dissapointed. also I will do a follow up in 2030 on this when I play it.)

If you explained homosexuality to Jabroni he would stare into the sunset and go "Ok..."

girls with autism: excited lil hands
boys with autism: