1 review liked by natcommon

This game did not have to be 23 hours long. I felt like the first half just dragged, partly because the first four cases were very easy to figure out, and partly because I didn't care much for any of the characters. The majority just didn't live long enough for me to start to care about them. The others never broke out of their tropes and actually have a personality or developed in anyway. I only really cared about Sakura, Kyoko and Byakuya.

Maybe it was because I started playing this right after finishing Ace Attorney but I felt vaguely insulted about the game literally spelling out everything for me. None of the trials were particularly difficult either. I had more trouble trying to figure out what exactly the game wanted me to do to prove my point or even just hitting the right points with all the white noise (mean difficulty is more annoying than difficult) than actually solving any of the mysteries.

I also felt like the game just ran out of steam at the end and instead of letting the player come to the conclusion themselves, they decided to just info dump everything in one go. For a game that built up its overarching mystery over time in fairly decent way, it was a let down to have everything solved in one long exposition.