Tunic is Outer Wilds meets The Witness meets The Legend of Zelda, but make it soulslike. So basically, tailor made for me. I adore games where you're dropped into a world and told virtually nothing about how to play or what to do, and Tunic is a masterclass in this design philosophy. The voxel world and art are gorgeous and sprawling, brimming with secret passages and challenges to discover. Traversal can be exasperating at times, but these spots of imperfect level design are rare enough that I can't complain too much. I don’t want to spoil anything, but rewards and metroidvania-style passages are not only hidden conventionally, but also hidden using the camera placement and world geometry, resulting in plenty of stuff that’s hidden in plain sight. Although this is one of the most creative games I've played in my life, I'm held back from giving it a higher score based on a couple key elements. The combat is simplistic, the lock-on sucks, and parrying is such high risk/reward that it's not worth mastering. Probably my biggest complaint about this game is the lack of satisfying lore. Like Dark Souls, lore is revealed to you contextually and esoterically, but unlike Dark Souls, there's not much story there to begin with. I really wish that the exquisite way in which you discover mechanics and lore were used to deliver a more impactful or thrilling story. Nevertheless, this game is a masterclass in game and world design. I can't wait for whatever Shouldice is working on next!

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023
