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i was going through a health crisis when i first picked up this game so i think i may have irrevocably emotionally bonded myself to it, but in any case it is a very very good game. each and every one of the characters stuck to my brain like glue and would not let go no matter what i did, and the plot drew me in so thoroughly that for maybe a week straight i was doing basically nothing else but sleeping and playing this game and maybe eating if i remembered to. the difficulty level presents a nice challenge that only got frustrating to me past the main story. took a really long time to get through for someone playing it nigh 24/7, and it has has a crazy amount of replayability to me as well- i havent had a single time where starting up a new save file ended in it getting abandoned 8 minutes in, which is a feat even some of my favorite games have not been able to pull off. thanks rune factory 4 for making me not forcibly pull my skeleton out of my body being on bedrest! to this day i recommend this game to all of my friends and consider it to sit firmly in my selection of Some Of the Most Games Ever