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June 7, 2021

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Finished this one second, after The Missing Heir. I thought going into this that I would like this more than the first, because of the school setting and supernatural plot. But I ultimately feel pretty equal on both of them, with only preferring this one slightly for small reasons. The biggest of which is you can definitely tell they learned a lot after The Missing Heir on how to make a good Visual Novel, and as a result I used a guide MUCH less in this one. I actually didn't even need to look at a guide once up until the 7th or 8th chapter. There’s significantly less cryptic BS in The Girl Who Stands Behind and is a lot better for it. I’d say this starts out more engaging and is better paced, with twists sprinkled in each chapter. But it also took longer to get to the major twist as opposed to the other game. Ultimately, there both pretty good for there time, but if you were dead set on only playing ONE of these for whatever reason, I would say play The Girl Who Stands Behind. I was flipping through the art book afterwards though and as far as these go as Remakes, I really wish they went with the Super Famicom style or even the 80s Famicom Disk System style. Those designs are so much more charming and would have added immensely to the vibe of games that are already set in 80s Japan. (The only character I really hate the design of though in these remakes, is the main character. He’s so ugly and punchable.) But I guess theres always the originals for that, so maybe one day I’ll play a fan translation. These remakes seem to be very faithful to the originals from what I could tell.