[Replay] First time replaying this in probably a decade. I have memories of absolutely loving Portal 2 on the 360, but I honestly remembered very little going in, which is great for this specific game where the puzzles and jokes are at the forefront. Portal 2 is definitely in contention for one of the greatest games of all time, without a doubt. It takes almost every facet of the original Portal, and improves it to the max. The puzzles add many more elements and layers like the gels, the light bridges or the beams and are definitely trickier as a result. The scope and ambition is so much grander, you can really feel the confidence oozing from this game after making the first game look like a little pet project. And of course, the writing. The writing and performances in Portal 2 I would argue, is probably the funniest and best in any video game ever. I cannot think of any other game that really surpasses the level of effortlessness this game demonstrates. When you as a player stops for minutes on end at every single dialogue exchange just to hear every line that was written for that character, you know its good. But its's one thing to just have the funniest writing of all games, but to also have the best performances too with Ellen McLain as Glados and Stephen Merchant as Wheatly? It's insane how high quality it all is and puts a lot of other and modern games in the AAA space to shame. I couldn't stop playing on the first day I started at it and would have beaten the whole game in one sitting if my eyes weren't hurting from staring at the screen all day. The only area I feel the game isn't an improvement on Portal 1, would be the escape sequence / old Aperture labs stuff. These two sections in both games are pretty comparable because it has you breaking out of the test chambers and kind of free wheeling through the facility with more natural puzzles. In Portal 1, I think it worked a little better because it felt a little more guided and gave a sense like you were hopping between test chambers, making your own rules as you went. In Portal 2, I felt like I was frustrated more during the section way underground, because in between tests, I had a hard time navigating to the next due to the darkness and unclear path. It's still ultimately not that bad and not that much of the game, but I think Portal 1 did it better. Its also quiet for a good chunk of that part (aside from J.K. Simmons character which I thought pales in comparison to Glados and Wheatly) so that kind of gives you this incentive to push past that section and get back to the top. The Switch version runs really good all things considered, only just bogged down by the semi frequent loading times. I'd much rather it have these loading times though than it run poorly though. On top of all this, there's the whole separate Co-Op campaign, which I never really got to play back in the day. So far, I played about half of the game with a friend locally, and its great for what it is . The writing isn't quite up to snuff with the main game, but that's honestly probably for the better because your gonna be talking and not hearing a lot of it anyway. Will be completing the Co op run pretty soon. The ending is also very memorable and parts of it make me extremely happy like knowing how Ellen Mclain has talked about being a classically trained opera singer. So cool for the game to recognize that and really accentuate her unique skill set. Not many other developers would care enough to give that much care about a performer like that. As much as I'd want a Portal 3, I would only ever want them to do it if they are confident they could top Portal 2, which is a monumental task both mechanically and writing wise. I also think there is an expiration on when this can happen, being however much longer McLain could keep doing Glados' voice, because there is nobody else that can really do that role. On top of all this, Portal 2 is such a perfect ending, that I kind of don't even want a third game. Overall easily one of the best games of all time, and I think in a year or so, I may come back and do a run with the developer commentary.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
