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Time Played

4h 0m

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Library Ownership


This is DLC is serviceable but I doesn't do anything interesting. All you'll find here is a meaty dungeon with a surprisingly difficult boss, even on normal mode. The dungeon was okay and there was an interesting enemy mechanic that was introduced here, but it hardly gets utilized outside of a couple of enemy encounters. There is some neat lore that foreshadows some stuff in the Rising Tide, but the new characters are frankly uninteresting and my investment in the Lore of this world has largely dwindled due to how the base game's story ended up, especially since this DLC doesn't do much with the main cast character-wise. Check out my review of the base game to see my thoughts as it relates to that and the combat.

The boss fight was pretty good though, and I appreciate being challenged on normal difficulty, since the base game is pretty easy most of the time. For that, I think this DLC is worth it, but I don't think this will change anyone's mind if you weren't already a fan of the game in the first place. We'll see how the Rising Tide turns out....

Review for FF16: coming soon

Review for Rising Tide: coming soon

Review for the DLC as a whole: coming soon