man with parkinsons sent on top sekrit mission to save girl from population that only knows the words "cabron" and "mierda"

Any game that touches on mental illness is going to be incredibly preachy, and this one is no exception. Mediocre gameplay loop. Get the good endings by doing the "right" thing and the bad endings by doing the "wrong" thing. Fun. Art is good, which is why it gets some points.

If you didn't get enough of the world's most generic man yelling about a kid named Shaun from Heavy Rain, this game has you covered. As usual mods elevate the game to a playable state.

If you know you know.

Nobody that plays or enjoys this game argues that it's good. It's a dino RP simulator that never be finished. That being said if this kind of game is up your alley you can have quite a bit of fun larping as your favorite dinosaur.