F-Zero 99 2023

Log Status






Time Played

83h 20m

Days in Journal

40 days

Last played

December 25, 2023

First played

September 16, 2023

Platforms Played




First Time

December 2023



0h 30m



Frozen Knight tracks.

0h 30m



Tried Classic. Ranked out of Queen League.

0h 30m

November 2023



Hit S. Finished Knight League Grand Prix again in Golden Fox.

0h 25m



0h 20m

October 2023



Up to 64. Golden Fox. Finally finished a Knight League Tournament in it - in the top 10.

1h 30m



0h 30m



Up to 63. Mostly did poorly but had a run of top 3 team scores in a row.

1h 0m



Ranked out in King League twice at 21...

1h 35m



Hit 62. Crashed out a lot including first track of King league.

0h 45m



Up to 61. Golden Fox and Wild Goose. Finished a Mini Prix in Wild Goose in 5th place (finished 4th in first on Mute City I, but was around 20 in the next two). First time on Red Canyon II. Had highest team rank in Golden Fox in a team race in a very bot-heavy race

2h 45m



1h 55m



Hit 60.

1h 15m



Hit 59. Had 5 KOs on Big Blue in Golden Fox. Unlocked paint scheme for getting 20 top-25 finishes in the Golden Fox.

0h 35m



Mostly Golden Fox. Unlocked Whiteland I background.

3h 15m



Golden Fox.

1h 45m



Unlocked Red Canyon I background. Almost to 56.

3h 45m



Hit 55. Took 23rd in a Mini Prix in Blue Falcon. Switched to Fire Stingray after that which did not go so well.

3h 55m



Mostly Blue Falcon, before crashing out of Mini Prix three times in a row in the Wild Goose.

Later hit 51. Finished Queen League Grand Prix for first time at 7th (thanks in large part to a ridiculous number of KOs in the first race!) in Wild Goose. Hit S- on a very lucky Mute City II race (I was 58th, only sid not blow up because I got more got to super boost at the last turn, and managed to beat 3 rivals somehow…).

Ended the day at 53.

5h 55m



Up to 49. All Blue Falcon today.

3h 0m



Hit 47.

Started with mostly Golden Fox. Did not go well! Struggled with Golden Fox, then switched back to Wild Goose for a while. Was doing well in Team races (including a top 3 team score, and a top ten finish - like 7th maybe?) but did not do well in Mini Prixs.

Later I finished a mini prix in top 25 in Golden Fox. Played a few tournaments - made it to fourth stage in Queen League Grand Prix before ranking out, using Wild Goose.

Finally, finished a couple Mini Prixs in the Blue Falcon.

4h 55m



Hit 44 (aaaaalmost 45) and A+. Finished a Mini Prix in top 25 with Fire Stingray. Unlocked Port Town I background with Blue Falcon and then used Blue Falcon a fair amount (first time using it at all), though I used a little bit of all four.

2h 50m



Up to level 43. Very close to A+ but not quite there. Finished first tournament - Knight League using Wild Goose. Qualified for last round of Queen League tournament but crashed on White Land II.

2h 45m



Up to 41. Golden Fox and Wild Goose.

1h 0m



Hit 40. Partly Golden Fox then Fire Stingray which I need some improvement with - lots of crashes and some ranking out.

2h 15m



Hit 38. Finished a Mini Prix.

1h 0m



Up to A and level 37.

One 9th place finish. Surprisingly set a new record on Port Town I in the Golden Fox (previous was in Wild Goose).

Then, crashed a lot but set new lap record on Death Wind I in Golden Fox.

3h 0m



Hit 36th and A-.

Started with Wild Goose. Mostly struggled though I did have at least one good race in the Wild Goose - took 8th, and ranked high in some of the categories. Switched off between all the craft except the Blue Falcon.

Near the end of the day things improved. Took 20 in a Mini Prix (after failing several times, and also crashing repeatedly on some pro tracks). Finished Top 25 enough times to unlock a color for Wild Goose, and the Mini Prix placement unlocked another.

3h 0m



Up to 33, and almost all the way to 34 and A- (I have been up and down in B+ a lot!). I crashed a lot at first, but was doing better later, especially after switching to Wild Goose.

2h 35m

September 2023



Up to 32. Mostly used Golden Fox. Crashed a lot near the end of the day.

3h 50m



Up to level 27 and B+ rank (just!). Played quite a few Queen league tournaments with out getting past 3rd or 4th track. Then I started working on Golden Fox, since I had not used it at all yet. Unlocked the decal for Golden Fox that requires ten races in a row without crashing.

2h 15m



Up to level 26.
Played several of the new tracks, and spent a long time in practice on Mute City II. Participated in the new Queen league (I ranked out in the third race?).

1h 50m



Up to 25.
Unlocked the decal for Fire Stingray that requires ten in a row without a crash.

3h 10m



Up to 21. Had a 4th place finish in an F-Zero 99 race. And finally managed to finish a Mini Prix.

2h 30m



Up to level 17 and rank B. Had a couple top 25 finishes, too. Then to level 18, playing mostly Pro tracks event.

2h 25m



0h 25m



Up to level 15. Tried a few tournaments, but could not get past the third race.

1h 40m



Up to level 13. Had a much harder time than over the weekend.

0h 35m



Up to level 12. Finally used Wild Goose instead of Fire Stingray, which did help reduce the number of time I crashed out.

2h 35m



Up to level 8. With Fire Stingray.

3h 5m
