This game is pretty good! It's a 3d auto-runner with its own distinct aesthetics (both visual and aural). Works quite well on mobile. It's a little short - it is, after all a $3 mobile game - but it does have an "endless" mode for levels

Actually really enjoying this game: the tracks are very good (some of the track twists are pretty wild), the aesthetics are not original but still good, the slalom mechanic is just different enough, and the music is pretty fun.

It's good, and frustrating. Feels a lot like the arcade-y cartoony version of Vertigo (2011) (which I take to be a good thing). But whereas that game plays it straight, this one is a little bit intentionally ridiculous. There's not a ton here, and I wish the controls were a little easier - which I realize is a preference issue, but the germ here is compelling.

Very interesting, but also very difficult and more than a little janky. Definitely worth trying though.

I really enjoy the core of this game, but I wish the timing was just like 20% more forgiving, and practice mode often feels too easy.

A fun, unique, and cute take on "hover racing," if you will. It's somewhat limited but what there is very cool. The tracks look very cool, the overall aesthetics are quite pleasant. It tries to add a new twist to power ups, namely each broom combines differently with each power up ("ingredient") so that each broom has access to unique power ups. All of this is quite good for something that is built by students as part of classwork. And it's free! I actually wish this could get turned into a full-fledged commercial game, as I think it would be quite cool.

I don't know about this game. While the main reason I stopped playing last time is I have a short attention span, I suspect I also found this one a little annoying. I love a good quirky game - and this one has quirks to spare - but this one can be pretty frustrating in difficulty and has long races. I also really dislike the thematic element of hunting the bosses - mechanically it works well. This is neither a great nor a bad game, and it's definitely distinctive with the boss chase mechanic and the unusual aesthetics - but I am not sure I will stick with it.

First impressions: I was worried about this one going in, but while the monetization is a bit much (though you can at least pay a reasonable amount to turn off ads), this was surprisingly fun. The focus is slightly more on combat than racing but both matter. The boss battles felt good and still felt like racing. Not the hardest or most technical racing game ever, but it was a fun run at least!