Hoimi Tables were fake and anyone who said they worked was lying don't @ me

The red-headed step-child of the series, and kind of deservedly so. The choice to make the party customizable added a lot of interesting party comp design, but the ability to use unlocked class skills in any other class meant that higher level fights came down to the choice between two Gladiators and two Sages or three Gladiators and one Sage. The customization also made the party personality-free, which hampered the storytelling of the game a fair amount—although there's still some good plot in the Fygg stories. Even still, a below-average Dragon Quest is still a great video game—it also features one of the better quest systems in an JRPG, as a surprisingly large amount of them add a fair amount of challenge and story to the game.

Reviewed on Sep 07, 2020
