i loved it! short, surreal & melodramatic stories along a dreamy & slightly unsettling exploration of the v unique Finch house. the transitions are so smooth between scenes and the simple gameplay becomes immediately obvious with each dramatic shift. the level of creativity & care in this project brought me a lot of joy, would love to see more games that are as adventurous as this team was here. it didn't rly have any emotional impact for me, I feel that would have taken it up a notch. also the footstep sound effects for going up & down stairs do not match the animation? which felt v weird especially considering the brilliant sound design otherwise. highly recommended if u want to embark on a trippy dream for a cpl hours~ definitely one I will revisit & show to others

oh & it looks & plays great on the switch lite in handheld! only one or two brief frame stutters in the beginning of scenes

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
