What I expected - A strange bioshock loaded with uncanny valley

What I got - shitty fallout 4 institute path.

Protagonist is an outright idiot, having to be explained things like 50 times in order to finally understand it, and when you finally think he get it, next scene he goes… “wait how can I trust you, they really did this.. to me???”

Speaking of the protagonist, this guy is the most unlikeable protagonist I’ve ever seen, crispy critters isn’t the quirky catchphrase you think it is, it’s just annoying and stupid. His real catchphrase is just cursing for no reason and trying to sound cool.

Story has like 40 twist villains, not very interesting either. Wasn’t anything like what I thought it’d be based on the trailers and I’m even sure at this point I remember a lot from the trailers that I didn’t even see in this game either

IF I HAVE TO SIT IN ANOTHER ELEVATOR FOR 2 MINUTES AGAIN IM GONNA DIE. I get that they are “loading screens” but it’s really frustrating when sometimes when you put your controller down and look at your phone, the elevator starts back up again and then you have to wait another 5 minutes to play the game

Armageddon difficulty is a joke. It’s so inconsistent, at the beginning I had to bump it down because surprisingly it was too hard, but then I got a few upgrades so I put it back up to Armageddon, and then the game felt like easy mode and I rarely had ANY trouble with anything, not even on the final boss which I cleared first try with plenty of resources left. Bullet sponges don’t make good hard difficulties

— what I did like

Looting was fun, vacuum hand was a great idea

Designs for robots were creative

Gunplay was decent

Crafting system for upgrading guns was pretty good


Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
