Gameplay: The action roguelite mechanics kept me engaged to a certain extent. Is more or less the same exact thing as brotato or vampire survivors except its 3D visuals, unlocking spells, crafting weapons and skills, and experimenting with multiple characters is the base level for these types of games. But here’s the catch: it’s a bit too straightforward, this game doesn't really do anything new in the genre so its not my favorite. The challenge lacks the fun of a real bullet hell, and doesn't stand out far enough to hang with the great

Graphics/Visuals: The minimalist aesthetic serves the game well enough, its not amazing and even seems a bit lazy in some models. Its a bit tougher to see what's going on compared to others in the genre, or bullet hells in general.

Story/Narrative: Gonna be honest, didn't care to pay attention here. Not sure if there even is any.

Audio/Sound: The audio serves its purpose, nothing stands out as bad. And I remember a few songs were nice to listen to as well.

Replayability: Basically the only reason to play Soulstone Survivors. There is gamebreaking synergies that are fun to be discovered, and there is a long skill tree to unlock along with tons of new characters and more to unlock. But the grind for power can feel monotonous at times. More variety in enemies and environments would help the replay value.

Difficulty: I played through the base game with no added curses and didn't really lose at all. I failed my first run because I didn't know I could dash, but every subsequent run was completed first try. Trying out some curse runs after I finished everything didn't really add much either. Enemies are far too easy to avoid leading to runs with 0 damage while also being overpowered. This game isn't difficult at all and any build can get you through the base game. Maybe it picks up in difficulty later but I didnt care enough to get there.

Innovation: Not groundbreaking, I've played a lot of games like this one. the fusion of roguelite elements and spellcasting is interesting, and the skill tree and weapon crafting system is new. Aside from that this is a bog standard Survivors game. I wanted more from the bosses or maybe even a bit more personal input aside from auto targeting.

Content/Extras: Beyond the basic gameplay, the game surprises with some unlockable characters (most of them dont change much) and a lot to grind for and new difficulty modes afterwards by adding curses. The roadmap promises more though at least.

Overall Enjoyment: I enjoyed this game for about 20 minutes til I realized the grind I'd have to do to unlock everything, but I felt like I at least needed to complete every level.

Similar Games: For other survivor games I enjoyed more than this, play Vampire Survivors, and Brotato.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
