
Animal Wells biggest feat is in the joy of discovery with relatively simple mechanics at its core. Lacking any combat, the game still offers a satisfying experience through unlocking new and interesting tools and mechanics constantly and discovering new ways to use them. The mechanics provide a ton of creativity in every screen, leading to constant memorable moments of discovery and even some horror thrown into the mix. The emphasis on exploration and puzzlesolving instead of combat creates a loop that rewards curiosity and experimentation, making each new screen you come across feel like an opportunity for secrets everywhere. Some players might find the openended exploration and lack of combat or really any action at all a bit less engaging over time despite being a relatively short game, especially when searching for hidden items without clear guidance, or backtracking a ton to past locations, getting lost, not knowing what to do, or sometimes long walk backs after death. One piece that stuck out a lot as frustrating is when you have to take a Frisby from a ghost dog and bring it to the other side of the map, leading to an intense race but insanely annoying to execute because the map screen doesn't pause the game so you can die trying to figure out what direction to head on your long treck to where you need to go.


The aesthetic of Animal Well is dark with neon lights thrown throughout and pretty great looking, it may look like a simple pixel game but there are some standout locations in this game. The world and environment design feel cohesive, adding to the immersion. Also you play as kirby so theres that.


The game does not focus heavily on narrative, but it does have subtle cryptic elements and atmospheric design leading to a bit of a mystery in your head. The world of Animal Well feels like it has some history, with hints scattered throughout the environment. You are encouraged to piece together the story through exploration and observation, and its rewarding to piece together the secrets.


The audio design in Animal Well feels otherworldly. The sound effects and music add depth to the experience, enhancing moments of discovery and exploration. From ambient sounds that evoke a sense of wonder to dynamic music that heightens the tension during key moments, the audio in "Animal Well" plays a crucial role in shaping the player's emotional journey through the game world.


For me, this is a good experience but I will probably never replay after completing it, since most of the content involves figuring out what to do and puzzles. Once you complete everything there isnt really anything (for me) on a repeat playthrough. Animal Well does offer a good amount of extra content however, with layers of even more secrets and discoveries like the hidden eggs to collect. I feel players may experience fatigue in the postgame phase like I did, especially when hunting down those eggs without clear guidance or worthwhile rewards. Most players may find themselves losing interest after completing the main story. But the game does have a pretty cool speedrun so there's that.


Animal Well doesn't revolutionize the genre like a lot of people are saying, but it does have inventive puzzles, mechanics and items I haven't seen in a game before, and secrets everywhere presented in a way I haven't seen much of either. The developers greatest strength is his creativity and dedication to delivering a quality and complete experience. This isn't a truly fresh take on the Metroidvania formula but it is a standout. Embracing simplicity above all and trusting in the player's ability to uncover its intricacies and mechanics themselves instead of having tutorials.


The game provides some amount of extra content, some inventive puzzles, a few powers, and some cute moments to discover. However, the postgame may feel tedious for most players due to the secrets being so well hidden and no clear direction of egg hunting and lack of meaningful rewards. The majority of the post-game content revolves around collecting those hidden eggs which I got so bored of after a while despite liking most of the puzzles on the way. While there are SOME additional rewards for completing the massive egg hunt, like a few new abilities or small story beats, for me they aren't enough to motivate players to continue playing after completing the main story.

Overall Enjoyment of the Game:

Animal well is a pretty great and atmospheric gem that offers a ton of deep exploration. It does suffer from some shortcomings though, like a lack of direction in the postgame, its puzzles, visuals, and atmosphere make it a standout title of this year. Despite those small flaws, Animal Well is a MASTAPIECE

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Reviewed on May 25, 2024
