The new "definitive" way to play Dead Space. There doesn't seem to be much of a reason to go back to the original anymore. This game is more-or-less a direct remake, while also changing some of the more frustrating parts of the original like the turret section, and also giving each gun an alternate fire which spices up gameplay as well.

This version looks and feels fresh and new while still being the same game we all played a long time ago, and I cant wait for Dead Space 2.

For some things that I didn't enjoy all that much, is that some areas are just plain out frustrating. The enemies that hug the wall are really annoying to play against because of the ammo consumption and the little enemies that they spawn as well. I was also hoping for a bit more scares in the game, but its atmospheric so I understand. The game is a bit frustrating in its narrative because its just a never ending loop of "thing break", "go here". Which doesn't really do much of getting people invested, so for the most part you kinda just start to zone out whatever it is that you are doing because it just becomes the same after a while.

A lot of these complaints I had with the original though, and this game is just a better version of that. So when its all said and done, this game isn't half bad and if you enjoy the original, then I'd suggest picking it up.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
