Is it perfect? No. Tartarus is repetitive as you'd expect, though it's certainly an upgrade from how it was in the original P3. Not all the S Links are bangers, and I would have gladly replaced two of the lesser ones with proper s links for Junpei and Akihiko. It's far too easy to max out all the social stats when you still have a full third of the game left. None of these complaints come even close to keeping P3 Reload out of my top 5 favorite games of all time. The combat, the music, the art, and the story are all immaculate. And of course the characters, God, the characters! No game has ever affected me on this level emotionally and I doubt another game will for a very long time. Best Persona game ever. Best remake ever. Thank you, Atlus

Really solid attempt at the souls formula that could have been amazing if it had more time/ manpower. Some annoying glitches and inconsistent quality in the level design are my two big gripes. The game's combat is fun though, and there are some genuinely stunning moments visually speaking. Looking forward to seeing what the devs do next.

The greatest FPS ever made. Not a single weak aspect. The closest humanity has ever come to achieving perfection.