RE is one of my all time favorite series, and the RE2 Remake was so right on so many levels. Sadly the same cannot be said for the RE3 Remake. Simply put, it's far too short and linear. Linear doesn't have to be a bad word, but in the case of RE3R, linear translates to cheap action and instances of moving beyond an area before fully exploring it (when RE over-indexes on action over exploration the games tend to be less successful). Gameplay wise, RE2R laid an amazing framework, yet the dodge mechanic that was added to RE3R feels almost broken. In terms of replay value, it really is nonexistent, as having upgrades to purchase after completing the game is meaningless if the game is so short and straight forward that there is no desire to revisit. When it comes to Nemesis vs. Mr. X, I found running from Nemesis to less of an immersive impact because the situations are simply less scary and it overall feels way more scripted. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

Reviewed on Nov 28, 2022
