this game is such a confusing experience because when it's good, it's really fucking good but when it's bad, it's BAAAAAAAAD.

the good aspects truly show Sega's understanding of love for the series. the stage choices are great, the remixed tracks are soooo good, and the gameplay is some of the best in the series. i firmly believe this is the best "Classic" Sonic has felt barring Mania. the initial cutscene is also super charming and sets the setting well.

but then the bad is oppressive. 9 fucking levels, 18 if you count the different styles, and that is IT. the rest is padding with challenges that either provide a bit of fun or are so backwards they make you wanna pull your hair out. the incentive to beating them outside of advancing the game, is to get some arbitrary skills that i never once used. i know you could argue that i'm not experiencing the game to its fullest but i just didn't feel any drive to get them or use them.

the story is non-existent barring some cushiony cutscenes that basically go "Gee, I wonder what is happening!" only for Eggman in the final stage to explain. speaking of, this game has one of the worst fucking final bosses of all time. no explanation, you're just thrown in there with the bodiless voices of the Sonic friends shouting at you. you attack like 3 times and bam, no conclusion cutscene for the fight. just a little jump to the party.

Generations also marks the beginning of trends the Sonic franchise has going forward that i just fucking hate. like the arbitrary distinction of "Classic" and "Modern". i felt it fine when fans defined the different eras but to see it officially always rubbed me wrong. that and Classic Sonic just being a silent cartoon? why does he pantomime? this stupid decision carried forward up to new stuff like Superstars where NO ONE talks and each cutscene is painful to watch. but that's a different game.

i don't know, in spite of all the negatives, i still liked it! this is my second time beating it, and i still can't say i hate it. but man, is it weird. very weird.

Reviewed on Jan 20, 2024
