Exactly the kind of experience you'd expect when you hear the words "Bioware made a Star Wars RPG." There's grand adventures, fantastic companions, fun side quests, and a pretty ok narrative that's held together mostly by the chemistry of the relationships the player builds with the rest of the cast. The actual game itself isn't too much to write home about - it's a modest if occasionally awkward take on D and D rules with some creative liberties taken here and there. The levels themselves are also a bit of a mixed bag, as Korriban and Manaan seem fresh and full of content whereas Tatooine and Taris are either too sparse or way too bloated, respectively. Still, it's hard not to get swept up in the majesty of it all, seeing yourself go from a small player in a galactic conflict to the lynchpin of the universe's future. Bioware writing may be too binary for my tastes when it comes to morality, but it works in a relatively cut and dry setting like Star Wars and manages to still pull out some compelling switch-ups that I wasn't expecting. If you're looking for a chance to experience some power fantasies within the world of Star Wars and getting a few unique pieces of lore and story along the way, then this is absolutely worth playing through at least once.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2022
