Control is a good game that has one of the most unique concepts for a map, lore-building, and interweaving narratives. It's held down by a somewhat weird gameplay formula and unnecessary crafting and building system.

For gameplay, it's a pretty standard Remedy affair, but instead of going the Max Payne route of jumping and diving behind cover while landing two brilliant headshots, it takes a bit more to the skies, giving Jesse aerial options along with finding ways to slam chunks of the environment against the possessed enemies of the Department of Control.

Storytelling is also pretty good. I think this game needed maybe a bit more of a direct, engaging main story rather than kind of doing 10 missions that feel all unrelated to each other, but involve a "main cast" so to speak, like Ahti the janitor, and the various doctors who have experimented with these abhorrent creatures from another universe. It gets better if you do a lot of note-collecting and has more things explained to you, but I believe it's a bit better for a narrative to not only stand on its own but for aid to supplement it, instead of this game leaning on its hundreds of collectibles to have certain things make sense.

The creativity and originality also blows me away with the decorative halls, and grey facade similar to a federal building's brutalist structure, yet hitting that sort of "this place probably hasn't been upgraded since 1950" architecture as well.

I think the one spot where this game falls flat, where most modern games fall flat, is the stupid, bad, no-good skill trees and crafting/builds the system. I get it, it's an easy 10/10 to IGN and shitty other journalists to have extra complexity and crafting, but holy fuck, this game did not need it. It needed anything but that, and yet they did it.

There are multiple weird currencies you use to upgrade abilities, a rarity system, and a huge skill tree that's unfinishable so you'll be digging into a couple of trees just to realize you probably need to respec your build 10 times, and that costs lots of currency :/

Please, for the love of god, stop doing this devs!!! The more annoying it is, the more points I feel like taking off. It's unbearable in this game, and probably the worst implementation I've ever seen in a game, hands down.

Control can be so good if they just give in to making it a fun game, not some stupid looter-shooter mixed with narrative mixed with crafting system God of War 2018 shit. Stop making crafting systems devs, especially if they're just going to suck the fun out of the game.

Reviewed on May 19, 2022
