I remember buying this game a few weeks before COD: IW, hoping to God it would get its flowers before the yearly Call of Duty installment took it over. Overall, it got rave reviews, and a decent player base, but EA's expectations were that of a COD-killer, which Titanfall would never be.

Writing that paragraph physically hurt, due to the fact that this game is undeniable as one of the greatest first-person shooters in history. Titanfall 2 is everything you want from a shooter and nothing you don't. It's nearly perfect and took almost 4 months of my life since launch as I perfected the game and nearly prestiged five times, a feat no COD game would ever get close to from me.

Titanfall 2 comes with both a campaign and multiplayer. The campaign is good, not great, but has memorable moments that show the bond between Titan and human, along with flashy visuals, a good transitory period between shooting up a level, then hopping in BT and soaring around to take down a horde of enemies. The story thing is the only thing that seems okay, there's really no ideology or reasoning for the bad guys to exist, but that's okay, maybe it was explored a bit more in Titanfall 1 lore.

However, here's where I get really gushy: The multiplayer is phenomenal. Ethereal, even. Most game modes involve your character going on a fucking rampage the moment they hop out of the jet carrier. You're shooting playable enemies, non-playable enemies, some non-playable enemies even are hackable to turn them against their own team, and doing all that, you're building score for your team AND getting ready to drop down your Titan.

As you finally hit that 100%, your Titan is ready, and you watch your beastly mech fall to the surface of the planet, awaiting a pilot. Taking too much time will put the mech on autopilot, as you can fight alongside it, and have that good buddy-mech feeling reminiscent of the campaign or The Iron Giant. Except, y'know, killing is fun here!

Regardless, some unlocks in the menu are a bit weird, and I kinda hate the whole "unlock token" system (COD was doing the same thing at the moment) for progression, but this game is amazing, and we need a third.

Fuck Apex, fuck the new system in which they prioritize battle-passes for progression and underdeliver day 1, this will be the last great multiplayer FPS that has no microtransactions and a hellishly good time.

Titanfall 2 is a masterpiece.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
