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ISleeepster reviewed Half-Life
The game is good and an undoubtable landmark in FPS and games as a whole
While it does have highs I feel like the lows outweigh them, with the main lows being the longest chapters, on a rail, as well as the Xen area.
On a rail felt tedious and first where I dropped off the game for a bit since I was simply feeling bored. Thankfully the game picks up after that with the fun and exciting Surface Tension, the army was the most fun to fight, the aliens felt either too simple, or annoying bullet sponges that zap away your health.
Xen is every bit annoying as everyone says, the platforming is fine, it's not a bad experience and the long jump was fun to pull off. The issue is the sheer amount of enemies, especially the flying ones that can only reliably be taken out by revolvers.
The end boss was fine, but is just a minion rush that has an insta kill attack, with the bounce pads that don't want to work half the time.
It's a game that was good, especially for its time but has a lot of extremely frustrating elements it spends too much time on.
I do remember liking half-life 2 when I played the orange box as a kid so I'm looking forward to that

4 days ago

ISleeepster finished Half-Life
The game is good and an undoubtable landmark in FPS and games as a whole
While it does have highs I feel like the lows outweigh them, with the main lows being the longest chapters, on a rail, as well as the Xen area.
On a rail felt tedious and first where I dropped off the game for a bit since I was simply feeling bored. Thankfully the game picks up after that with the fun and exciting Surface Tension, the army was the most fun to fight, the aliens felt either too simple, or annoying bullet sponges that zap away your health.
Xen is every bit annoying as everyone says, the platforming is fine, it's not a bad experience and the long jump was fun to pull off. The issue is the sheer amount of enemies, especially the flying ones that can only reliably be taken out by revolvers.
The end boss was fine, but is just a minion rush that has an insta kill attack, with the bounce pads that don't want to work half the time.
It's a game that was good, especially for its time but has a lot of extremely frustrating elements it spends too much time on.
I do remember liking half-life 2 when I played the orange box as a kid so I'm looking forward to that

4 days ago

ISleeepster backloggd Hades II

6 days ago

ISleeepster finished Shin Megami Tensei V
Got True ending of SMT V
SMT V is such an amazing fantastic game in terms of combat, game feel, design and the OST
It's such a shame it falls flat on its ass with the story, the story is there, in bits and pieces, the characters exist, but they have no power behind anything apart from Dazai and Aogami.
They wanted to repeat nocturne, but didn't understand what made Nocturnes cast work, they monologued, they made their beliefs and ideas clear. No single character in this game does that.
The Level Scaling is another massive issue, making some bosses feel impossible, especially with the extreme costs of MP this game has.
While the combat is insanely fun, responsive and has some extremely good animations and party building abilities with the essences, the combat is heavily impacted by the high MP cost of skills and the level scaling.

7 days ago

9 days ago

ISleeepster reviewed Mighty Jill Off
Good platforming, good art, good challenge, can't ask for anything more
Lets go Lesbians

9 days ago

ISleeepster finished Mighty Jill Off
Good platforming, good art, good challenge, can't ask for anything more
Lets go Lesbians

9 days ago

9 days ago

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