This game is shockingly good, it took me a moment to actually get into it and get myself to want to keep playing, but once I get into it enough I was hooked. The combat is fantastic and feels like a 2D hack and slasher and the platforming sections were stellar and felt great. A lot of the platforming reminds me a lot of the final sections in Hollow Knights true ending, which I love. The story was intriguing enough, and the time related mechanics and anything to do with the curse was pretty cool. The only things I was kind of mixed on was the 3D art style (I loved the 2D portraits of the characters) and the ginormous difficulty spike after the fifth main quest. I won't hold the artstyle against it though because it's more of a personal preference if anything. Overall, this game is definitely going to be an underrated gem for 2024 and I really am glad I picked it up.

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
