Heartfelt and unique, this game blends humor and depth seamlessly. The battles are refreshingly different, offering creative ways to engage beyond typical RPG mechanics. The story is simple yet unforgettable, showing true passion from its developer. Don't let online fandoms deter you—this is an experience worth having.

An absolute masterpiece that hooked me from start to finish. Incredible story, unforgettable characters, and breathtaking visuals. It's a game that will stick with you long after you finish playing. Truly a life-changing experience.

It's a solid survival horror experience with a touch of action, capturing the essence of what makes the genre great. The resource management and backtracking are highlights, while the modern tweaks to characters and gameplay make it enjoyable. Not flawless, but definitely a fun and tense ride.

Exploring vast landscapes, meeting curious characters, and uncovering secrets kept me engaged for hours. Yet, despite its beauty and freedom, the world felt oddly empty and repetitive at times. It’s a mixed bag: stunning visuals and moments of joy interspersed with a sense of lacking depth and variety.

Though it brings fresh mechanics and intriguing exploration, it doesn't quite capture the magic of its predecessor. Some aspects felt more restrictive, and the reused map diminished the novelty. Nonetheless, it's still an enjoyable experience, with a notably improved final boss battle.

The game offers challenging puzzles and some emotional moments, but the real highlight is the tension that builds as you explore. The sense of dread grows nicely, and the freedom to wander around is something I really appreciated. It's a memorable experience that keeps you engaged from start to finish.

Incredible level design with dramatic, fanciful encounters and some of the coolest bosses ever, like Fume Knight and Sir Alonne. Though the side dungeon can be frustrating, the overall experience is peak Dark Souls, blending stunning visuals with intense, memorable fights.

Exploring the maze-like temple, finding hidden levers and switches was intriguing, and two of the bosses were quite engaging. However, the optional area felt like a frustrating slop fest with repetitive NPCs. Overall, it’s a mixed bag with some highs and lows.

This DLC has a gorgeous but frustrating landscape, with repetitive enemies and a snowstorm section that's a nightmare to navigate. The level design feels mediocre, and the boss fights are underwhelming. The most enjoyable part is rescuing the knights, but overall, it's a disappointing experience.

This version improves the game a bit more. It's still challenging, but tweaks in mechanics and visuals make it a more polished experience. It might not win over everyone, but it’s definitely worth a revisit for fans of the genre looking for a refined take on the original.

Unjustly overlooked, this game features complex level design and a variety of enemy encounters that challenge even seasoned players. The combat mechanics are finely tuned, requiring precision and strategy. Despite mixed reactions, its unique atmosphere, characterized by haunting visuals and a disorienting world, offers a distinctive experience that stands out in the series.

An old-school pirate adventure that captures the spirit of classic gaming with its simplicity and charm. Sail the seas, battle ships, and experience a true swashbuckling experience. It's nostalgic, fun, and low-stress – perfect for when you want a break from modern complexities.

Bright and crisp visuals, fun mini-games, and a perfect blend of serious racing mechanics with classic fun. Although some modes are hard to figure out and a few power-ups feel repetitive, the engaging multiplayer and nostalgic vibe make it worth playing. It’s a solid pick for a good time with friends.

Solid for casual play, but has its quirks. Controls can feel awkward at times, but it's still entertaining. Great for a relaxed experience, though don't expect a full simulator. Worth trying if you want a light-hearted trucking game with some unique story elements.

The combat is top-notch, and the roster is solid. Fighter strength stays true to the series—you won't beat Takamura with just anyone! Fans will love the authentic feel.