originally played on DS but i recently bought the nonary games + ztd on steam lol. 999 is one of the best visual novels i’ve played and i’ve played a lot. i’m a huge fan of the whole ‘death game’ genre and this is definitely a solid death game. it gives off that isolated, trapped vibe which completely adds to the experience as you uncover the story. i love love LOVE escape rooms and puzzles too and those were difficult enough to be a challenge but not to the point where it was “oh my god this is too hard i can’t beat this!”. some rooms are harder and some are easier. the flowchart endings are classic in uchikoshi games and bring a new twist into the narrative. the final plot twist is significantly better on DS, so pc players might not get how good it was on its original device. every part of this game’s lore is completely thought out. i’m not going to delve too much into it bur trust me. in the end, i love 999 and it’s a great first game in the zero escape series.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2023
