3 reviews liked by octocanyon

the story behind what happened to this game is far more interesting than the game ever was

she's a little bit janky but honestly one of the best depictions of medical and psychiatric abuse i've ever seen in a video game. the amount of cuts it was given to even be allowed release no doubt ruined the story a bit but its core story beats are still intact. a lot of people feel it falls flat when compared to its predecessor, but i think it's a bit of an unfair comparison when they follow entirely different stories. the game is still really well done imo. my only issue is that the game seems to make a very detailed point throughout the story, only to veer in the opposite direction by the end. again, probably due to how much was cut from the game.

regardless, i still find its depictions of psychiatric abuse to be very well done, though unfortunately i rarely see people talk about it, instead focusing on the gameplay. and like, whatever floats your boat man. but i feel like the game has a lot to say about what makes people violent, about the amount of people who are used by the government just to make a point, and about how we treat psychiatric patients and mentally ill people. it's very easy to pass this game off as "tryhard edgy", or to focus on its violence and gore and reduce the game to that alone, but it's a game with interesting things to say and points to be made.

i also found the gameplay a lot more enjoyable than the original manhunt, and far easier on my poorly coordinated hands. but ultimately, a lot of my enjoyment of this game comes from the story.

if you disagree thats ok we cant all be smart and sexy like me