Irem's debut shooter, R-Type, is a really special game. It has incredible art direction, really going for the overtly sexual aspects of the Giger look that most games are too cowardly to use; one of the bosses you'll be fighting is a bunch of worm penises emerging from vaginas.

It also has the "Force," an invincible option, that connects to your ship in front of or behind you; it acts as a shield, absorbing enemy fire. You can fire the Force so it floats horizontally and fires; often bosses will have a hard to reach weak area that you can fling your Force into to continue doing damage even while it's locked off from your main ship. It's a really fun addition.

However I had an insanely hard time getting through it. The game is beyond arcade difficult. I played through it with infinite credits and I'm glad I got to see it all, even though dying constantly stopped me from playing with too many of the upgrades, but it can not be overstated how difficult it is.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023
