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This game is much better if you imagine Nahyuta sounding like Whis from Dragon Ball Super.

What a stark contrast to Great Ace Attorney and how it handles the "stranger in a strange land". Just a baffling set of decisions and a mountain of inherited narrative bloat that overwhelm the proceedings. In essence a saturday morning's cartoon understanding of most of the themes it approaches, like dictatorship, revolution, "insurgents", oppression, discrimination against minorities (such as defense lawyers lol), culture clash, almost all of it is laughable. It wouldn't be such an issue if the game itself weren't setting up the ball for a spike to then only fumble it in an almost embarrassing way. Imagine a world in which a chef poisons a beloved ruler and thus all chefs are banned and hated, like serial killers or rapist pedophiles. And if a chef should present himself in public, he should be scorned like a leper. We should be constantly baffled by why he isn't actively POISONING everyone around him, like a werewolf that can't help itself. That's how this game portrays defense lawyers and has characters react to them.

There's still fun to be had with the formula and the cast. But we are once again confronted with so so many of the same plot points we've seen before, done worse, some of them George-Lucas levels of comical (once again we have dueling lawyer and prosecutor, who go way back to childhood, and you end up defending him in the end, as JUST an example. oh and Maya's accused of murder. Again. And kidnapped for blackmail. Again). If this had been the final Ace Attorney product I would not be clamoring for more, but thankfully Great Ace Attorney was a flawed but inspired final act.

I'd much rather have a Great Ace Attorney 3, or just do another Edgeworth game. Those seem unlikely so I'll take a soft reboot over a proper AA7, I don't think they can pull off that balancing act, with so much 'lore' and not many places left to go.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2024
