Story, characters and dialogue were a noticeable step down from the first game. But the improvements in combat, variety, side content, exploration, and level design were enough to offset the story downgrade (which for the record, is still quite good, just not nearly as tight or consistent as the writing of the first game, which I consider one of the better stories in AAA gaming). The new Valhalla DLC (which is completely free) really tied this game up nicely for me, offering a more satisfying ending than the somewhat flabby and rushed final act of the base game, and managed to adapt the game's excellent combat framework into a genuinely fun and replayable roguelite mode that can easily last you 10+ hours.

Overall, if you ask me if 2018 or Ragnarok was better? I don't know, 2018's excellent storytelling and direction probably made it more memorable, and it probably would have been my answer if you asked me a year ago. But after playing the DLC I'm basically split 50/50 now.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2024
