7 reviews liked by olivierpepe24

Dude I'm such a fucking virgin I managed to get the neutral ending.

Heard this game was designed by a guy who made slot machines and I believe it.

"What if an idle game was pure math?"

It'd still be fucking boring.

After beating Mom:
Really great Roguelike with its own unique charm. There's definitely a lot of replayability and content to go through that I've yet to experience.

After beating the real final boss:
The best roguelike I have played. There's so much replayability, it has its own unique charm, and conquering the boss for the first made me so happy. It took a lot of attempts but I had a blast even when failing. Even now I know there is a vast amount of content I've yet to experience.

Many of the self-inflicted bad things that happened to me in the past 10 years can be at least partially traced back to playing like a bazillion hours of this game in high school and procrastinating all other aspects of life. Thus, I think I refuse to complete the about 90% complete save I've spent about 1500 hours in. That's Old Kanye. The biggest flex adult me can have is an healthy relationship with this game.

So, I'm starting over.

It's neat and fun for a bit with the right friends, but gets old fast