Even in a series as apt with its messaging and fascinating with its characters and storylines, Metal Gear Solid 2 stands out to me as such an especially eccentric and beautiful gaming experience. I already believed the first Metal Gear Solid to have been such an impressive accomplishment as both a stealth-action game and a commentary on self-identity, but Metal Gear Solid 2 cranks the knobs on all of these facets to the absolute max and then some more.

The gameplay is improved to such a degree from its predecessor that I almost hardly believe how well it was honed in this title. Everything feels so much better. Stealth is so satisfying with the better controls and the options available to you. The boss fights, which were a weaker point of MGS1, are actually really fun here. I also find that both any instances of environmental puzzle-solving and backtracking is pretty great here as well! MGS2 is a satisfying game that aged incredibly well in every area that I feel like MGS1 may have disappointed some newer players with its own age.

What really shines about MGS2 is its story. Metal Gear is already a series that has messaging extremely special to me and a unique approach to a dramatic action story across most of its titles. but the eccentricities of MGS2 are what have made this game stand out in my mind for years. I won't detail the messaging of the game myself as that's already been done by plenty of people, but I feel it was tackled beautifully. I love Raiden and I think that the character arc he has to go through, especially near the ending, is one of my favorites in media. I find myself getting incredibly emotional in his conversations with Rose especially. This is just such a beautiful game that continues to be relevant and special to me. I love the conversations this brings up about the dictation of self-identity through our pasts and the information around us, and these are conversations still worth having today and in the far future.

It's perfect, one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Love it. Love Kojima.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2024
